Mier means Service and products ;Tech-wise means Technology and Wise  ,This is our company which are explained . We have kind service associated with Wise , we have products associated with Technology .

>>Kind Service 

You find attractive price in China market , but you are in fear of scammer or have no guide for shopping ; you are purching many goods in China from different supplier , you are annoying ,becaue there are many packages , they may possible not arrivel at your home one time , some arrivals may be missed , you are wondering if they can be shipped in one package , you can save the freight additionally . We are the role and provide 2 option for you 
A : you buy the good online and ask the supplier to send them to us , we package them together and ship them 
B: you told me what you want to buy or send us the link , we contact the seller and purchase them . 

PS: your trust is our honor , we take as responsibility serious . 

Custom products 
You want to development new products , you have the drawing or ideal , 
PCB ,DIY electronic products  , toy car , v-cut machine ....etc 

There are exist products in the market , you want to find the equivalent one because them are expensive or the raw material can not be find easily .
Assembly ( PCB assembly , cable assembly ) , high imitation switch , battery holder . 

PCB Layout , IC programm ,electronic drawing ,Hard Drive ,Memory ,Computer m Digital Device etc .

In stock products 
In the shop , there are most of conventional electronic products , which is populary among electronic enthusiasm . we have details for each item ,we pick most of them from China factory .

Development Products by MIER TECH-WISE

This is our new stratege will will come to ture within 2 years . we will cooperate with campus . 

Development Products by Multcoporate 
Products is development by our partern in Mexico , 
Registro Electrónico , Tarjeta de control para dispensadores de gas LP ,Tarjeta de Relevadores II,Tarjeta USB-485,Fuente Elevadora de ,Voltaje 12 a 24 Volts ,Tarjeta de Relevadores,Tarjeta para Encoder Incremental,Programador USB de PICs v 2.0 , LCD 16x2 Letras blancas en fondo azul y backlight blanco .
The company was born in ShenZhen China since last year  , with the support of firms around the globle . As we all know , ShenZhen is an electronic town in the world , we are on the right bench and growing up rapidly .There are lots of members around the globle who are dedicated in development of electronic products ,electronic trader . Some of them even don't have atheist , because it is difficult for them to do , they have all passion on electronics . We are so proud to be one of the member of them . We can help them make money , we can help them to be an entrepreneurs , we can help them save cost and time , speed-up their turnaround time . We know who We are because of one year of heard work with them . 

While we start to running our company , we didn't know how to operate sales market , our website was terrible ,our written English was very bad . But our professional skill + kind customer service + attractive price on electronic were our lifesaver , which allow customer in business . 

We intergrate corporate responsibility into everything we do .With global reach comes globle responsibility , and we take that responsibility serious . On the above map , showing our partners which has plain on around globle . At the end of 2014 , we have received news from our customer that we will have great year 2015 . 

Focus on what matters most . 

 We play a role to make the supplier chain steady , to decrease the risk of the parts , to lower the cost . 

We play a role to make the supplier chain steady , to decrease the risk of the parts , to lower the cost , to help them to distribute their products on our website .

R&D member 
We play a role to make the supplier chain steady , to decrease the risk of the parts , to lower the cost , to support their development with ideal .